About Jack and the Big Ole Pinto Bean
Author: Julia Talbot
Word Count: 3002
Page Count (pdf):
ISBN: n/a
Price: .69
Pairing: m/m
Genre: Paranormal/ Fairy tale
Date Published: 04/18/2018 – first published 2007
Publisher: Turtlehat Creatives
Heat Rating: 
File Types available: pdf, epub, mobi
In this re-telling of Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack and his lover Dane have hit hard times on their dirt farm, as their last cow has gone dry. When jack trades Bessie for a handful of beans, Dane things he’s gone mad. Will climbing the beanstalk change their fortunes for better, or worse? Previously published in the Torqued Tales anthology.
“Goddamned dried up old cow,” Jack muttered under his breath, kicking a clod of caliche dust out from under his boot. He spit a little, just because he could, because he was so damned mad. “Time to take you off to auction, lady.”
“She’s not giving at all, huh?” his lover Dane asked, coming over to rub a hand up and down his back. “She’s the last one we got, Jack. We’re gonna dry up and blow away.”
“No, we ain’t.” Jack wasn’t no quitter, and he wasn’t gonna let Dane get all down in the mouth. He spit again, drawing up to his full height. “I’ll take her in tomorrow, sell her off. We’ll have us a feast.”
“A feast? I’d settle for some flour and sugar and maybe some lemon candy.” Dane’s blue eyes twinkled. “Some coffee.”
“You don’t want much, buddy, but I’ll do my best. Now come on, let’s leave her alone to enjoy her last days on this earth.” Both Jack and Dane took their hats off and held them over their hearts, having a moment for Bessie, who had served them well. Bless her. Even if she was a dried up old bitch.
Then they headed back to their little cabin, sitting in the middle of the dustiest piece of homestead a man ever did see. They was going native these days, growing corn, beans and squash, and even that was wilting in the heat of the drought.
They got back to the house and used a bit of their precious water to wipe down their faces. Wasn’t much but some biscuit and jerky for supper before they slid into bed, wrapping around each other, hands on places men usually didn’t touch.
“Night, Jack,” Dane murmured, and Jack kissed the corner of that sweet mouth.
“Night, honey. You’ll see. I’ll fix us up right.”
“You always do, Jack. You always do.”