Hey y’al! We’re trying something new with preorders. Our cart doesn’t really support them but our brilliant PA suggested Paypal buttons to be able to preorder the books which would give us the ability to give you guys way more time to buy them before they go to K*U.
So please READ CAREFULLY to see how this will work. The book page will have a paypal button. When you pay via this link, your preorder will be recorded and sent to you via email on the day the book releases. We do wish you could just use our normal cart for this, but as of right now, it doesn’t have a preorder plugin. This will be our first attempt at this, so bear with us while we work out the bugs if there are any.

On preorder now. Out 07272021 Click here for more information and preorder link https://www.turtlehatcreatives.com/index.php/winter-dragon/

On preorder now. Releases 07272021 Click here for more information and preorder link
In other news
NOW ON .99 sale
Cowboy’s Law is now available wide and is on .99 sale

Click here for book page and buy link. No waiting on this one! It’s an instant download.